[TOOL] How to check The availability of your project name

Before you decide the name to use online for your business idea, you must verify its availability or you’ll lose time and money.


Let me try to be clearer with an example: Imagine that you own a business in Paris, that you sell Jeans, that your plan is building/starting an e-commerce or website with a domain name ParisJeans.com and that you found out that this domain is available for registration, YEAH! GREAT, FANTASTIC!

Imagine that you own a business in Paris, that you sell Jeans, that your plan is building/starting an e-commerce or website with a domain name ParisJeans.com and that you found out that this domain is available for registration, YEAH! GREAT, FANTASTIC!

No, No, NOT GREAT YET, hold on your horses and read what follows…

Before you RUSH UP and register the domain name ParisJeans.com, verify that:

Twitter username: ParisJeans is FREE.

Youtube username: ParisJeans is FREE.

Facebook page name and group: ParisJeans are FREE.

Pinterest username: ParisJeans is FREE

And so on… you get me, right!

You can go with as many social media you want, the point is, if you buy the domain name ParisJeans.com before checking the social media accounts, you are taking a risk of having your competition taking all the traffic supposed to come to you.why? Because your competition owns one or few of those social accounts already, so anyone who’ll google “Jeans in Paris” or “Paris Jeans” will land on one of the accounts, click t, deal with it, contact the owner, etc etc…

Why? Because your competition owns one or few of those social accounts already, so anyone who’ll google “Jeans in Paris” or “Paris Jeans” will land on one of the accounts, click it, deal with it, contact the owner, etc etc…

That’s a total mess and lost of valuable traffic for you, not to mention your client’s confusion and the bad HIT your online BRANDING will get.

Ps: Social media accounts tend to appear fast in the Google search, most of the time they are the first ones we see.


Use http://knowem.com to verify the availability of few social media accounts and even the domain name before any RUSH.

It’s a great tool that makes you save tons of time and even money.

Check it out; it’s free, and it can even look up to 100’s of networks.

Personally, that’s the first link I open and use when I brainstorm any business idea for my clients or me.
I usually build up a list of names available, do some google researches, mix, and remix, and I always end up with short, clear fabulous names to use as domain names and of course as social accounts.

Now, it’s your turn, use it and tell me what this tool helped you achieve.

Yours, Adel