You don’t need to do all your social media marketing activities yourself.
Facebook Live is a pretty powerful way to promote your business because it gives you a way to interact directly with your prospects and customers.
Not only that, but your live video replay is also available, so prospects and customers can watch it for days, weeks, or months to come.
So while there are plenty of ways to use Facebook Live to promote your business, there’s one way that you’ll definitely want to try.
And that way is to promote a product in your live video.
There are multiple ways to do this, which we’ll cover in this post.
Now before we get into those methods, let me share with you four tips for making the most of your videos…
- Promote your video ahead of time. Get people excited about watching your live video by promoting it starting as early as a week before you do the video.
- Interact with people personally. Greet your viewers by name and thank them for watching. This personal touch will keep people engaged.
- Run your video for at least 10 minutes. This gives more people a chance to notice your video and start watching.
- Keep an eye on the reactions and comments. These will be floating across your screen. This will give you an idea as to whether people are bored or engaged. If reactions and comments drop off, switch things up to re-engage people.
So with those general tips in mind, let’s have a look at different ways to promote a product…
Let’s dive in…
01: Sell directly with Facebook live:
The idea here is to basically create a video sales letter, but you do it live.
Use home-shopping channels as a guide when it comes to presenting your benefits while keeping your audience entertained. (Hint: it helps to have another person on the video to banter with about the product.)
Follow this outline:
- Start with the problem. Explain the signs and symptoms of a problem. Remind people of the pain of the problem. The point here is to get your viewer’s to self-identify and say, “Hey, I have this problem!”
E.G., “Do you wake up during the night and have trouble falling back to sleep?”
- Introduce the solution. Now that you’ve identified the problem, you next introduce your product as the solution to the problem. Up until this point you’ve been reminding people of the pain of their problem. Now you offer them hope and get them to imagine relief from their problem.
- Showcase the benefits of the product. If this was a text sales letter, this is where you’d offer your bulleted list of benefits. You can demo your product and point out the features and benefits as you go through the top five or so benefits that your product offers.
- Provide a call to action. At this point your audience should be fairly excited about the product, so now you offer a call to action where you tell them how to order the product.
- Answer questions. This is a live video, so make use of the live function by fielding questions from your audience. As you do so, continue to reiterate the benefits. And be sure to mention your call to action from time to time.
So this is a pretty hard-sell method, and it will end up looking like an infomercial on the home shopping network.
Use this method sparingly, as social media followers don’t typically like hopping on Facebook just to watch an advertisement.
Next… Demonstrate a product.
02: Demonstrate your product:
This is a great option if you’re selling a physical product or another product where you can do a demonstration, such as software.
This can be done in two ways:
- Direct demo. This is where the video revolves around the product demo.
For example, if you’re selling a blog plugin, you’d give viewers a tour of the plugin’s dashboard, show how easy it is to install, and show viewers what the plugin can do for them.
Another example: If you’re demo’ing a product like exercise equipment, you’d point out all the features and benefits of the equipment. And then you’d actually use the equipment to show people how well it works.
- Indirect demo. This is where you provide some training, and you use the product as part of the training.
For example, if you’re teaching people how to improve their golf drive, you’d go over various factors such as stance, swing, and grip. You’d also mention the importance of selecting the right clubs, and then you could promote a specific set of clubs.
Another example: if you’re teaching people how to set up a mailing list, part of your video would discuss choosing an autoresponder. At this point, you could demo a specific autoresponder service and recommend it to the audience.
TIP: If you’re selling software, plugins, or apps, offer viewers a light version of the product for free so that they can try it out for themselves. In turn, this lets you build a mailing list of qualified prospects.
Next… Do an interview.
03: Do an interview:
There are two ways to do this type of live video:
- Interview someone else. This is a great option if you’re an affiliate for a product, as you can interview the vendor.
- Get someone to interview you. This could be one of your affiliates, a known name in the niche, or even a friend.
One note, however – don’t make the interview about the PERSON. Instead, make it about the problem and the solution. That way, you have a natural lead-in at the end of the interview to promote a product.
For example, if you’re discussing weight loss, the interviewee might ask the interviewee questions such as:
- What mistakes do you see people make when they start a new diet?
- What mistakes do you see people make when they start a new diet?
- What mistakes do you see people make when they start a new diet?
- What mistakes do you see people make when they start a new diet?
In other words, ask the popular sorts of questions that your audience wants to know the answers to.
You can then field questions from the audience as well.
Next… Review a product.
04: Review a product
This is a great option if you’re an affiliate marketer for a specific product.
Here you demo a product while you discuss both its pros and cons. You then end your video with a recommendation (assuming you’re reviewing a product that you do indeed recommend) and a call to action.
Keep these points in mind:
- Be brutally honest about the product flaws. This builds trust with your viewers, who in turn are more likely to purchase the product from you since they trust your recommendations. And yet…
- Handle objections. While you’re talking about how the product flaws, let viewers know how to overcome these flaws and/or why these flaws aren’t deal-breakers. You might even be able to turn a perceived flaw into an asset.
Here’s a classic example: Listerine mouthwash is known for having a medicine-like taste. Listerine took this perceived flaw and turned it into an asset with the slogan, “You can handle it, germs can’t.” The implication of course is that a strong taste is required to kill germs.
- Be specific about your recommendations. Let’s face it, the product probably isn’t for everyone. That’s why you’ll want to be very specific about who would most benefit from the product.
For example: “This camera is great for beginners because it has all the features you need without a steep learning curve.”
TIP: If the product isn’t for everyone, and if you know a product that’s a good match for the other segment of your audience, then do a product comparison video rather than a product review. That way you can recommend BOTH products, with each one being more suitable for different segments of your audience.
- Provide a call to action. Once you’ve made your recommendation and told them why you think this product is a good fit, then offer a specific call to action. That’s where you specifically tell them to order the product (and how to do it).
Next… Provide training.
05: Provide training:
This is a great option to choose if you’re selling information products like books.
The idea here is to provide useful yet incomplete training. Viewers then need to buy a product in order to receive the rest of the solution.
Here are three ways you can provide useful yet incomplete training that naturally leads to a paid offer at the end of the video:
- Give an overview of a step-by-step process.
Here you tell people what to do, but not HOW to do it. In order to get the in-depth, step-by-step details, they’ll need to order your information product.
For example:
- You give people a step-by-step overview of how to plant an organic garden. Some instructions may be vague such as “build a raised flower bed.” Viewers would need to order your guide in order to find out exactly how to build a raised flower bed.
- You give people a step-by-step overview of how to plant an organic garden. Some instructions may be vague such as “build a raised flower bed.” Viewers would need to order your guide in order to find out exactly how to build a raised flower bed.
Here’s another way to do it…
- Provide in-depth training for ONE step.
In this case, you provide the complete instructions for one-step during your Facebook Live video, and then prospects need to order your product to get in-depth instructions for the rest of the steps.
For example:
- You give complete instructions for setting up and customizing a WordPress blog. Viewers then need to order your blogging guide to find out how to monetize their new blog.
- You give complete instructions for setting up and customizing a WordPress blog. Viewers then need to order your blogging guide to find out how to monetize their new blog.
- You give complete instructions for setting up and customizing a WordPress blog. Viewers then need to order your blogging guide to find out how to monetize their new blog.
And finally…
- Offer usefultips.
Still another way to create a useful yet incomplete Facebook Live promo video is to offer useful tips on how to complete some processes, and then promote a product during the video. You can do this in two ways:
- Offer tips, and then sell a complete information product on the backend. For example, you might offer a collection of your seven to ten best tips for dieters. If people like your information, they can then purchase your dieting guide in order to get the complete instructions and plans for effective weight loss.
- Offer tips, and have one of your tips be to use the product you’re promoting. For example, if you’re teaching people how to grill
the perfect steak, one of your tips might be to start with good quality meat. You can then promote a specific brand of steaks, such as Omaha Steaks.
And finally… The conclusion.
Two more bits of advice for Facebook Live success:
- No matter which type of live video you’re doing, be sure to offer your viewers some of your BEST content. Don’t hold back. You want people to stay engaged, and a good way to do that is to offer a lot of value. Even better is if you can share something they haven’t heard before.
- No matter which type of live video you’re doing, be sure to offer your viewers some of your BEST content. Don’t hold back. You want people to stay engaged, and a good way to do that is to offer a lot of value. Even better is if you can share something they haven’t heard before.
For example, “Just a bit later you’ll find out the top five foods you should NEVER eat if you’re trying to lose weight! This is going to shock you because these are considered diet staples! But first, let’s figure out how many calories you need to eat per day…”
So which type of Facebook Live product promotion method will you try first?
Take your pick and then start testing to see which your audience responds to the best!
Now go on… Take action now, you got nothing to lose and a lot to gain.
To your success.